Fortunately, after a heavy early Fall rain storm in which I was basically stuck in the mud and thus very limited in opportunity, the weather cleared the next morning I was able to take a few photographs of the very iconic and popular destination Canyon de Chelly. I wasn't able to spend much time here as I would have loved to have gone down inside the canyon to get the cliff dwelling shots that legendary photographers like Ansel Adams were able to capture. Yet, even from the brief amount of time I was able to spend here there was an instilled with a captivation and attraction to its pure beauty and awe that will surely be drawing me back for more......

The following image was a coincidence as I simply wanted to capture the bright red stop sign with the clouds in the back. The next thing I knew a car was speeding down the road leading out of the Canyon de Chelly.

This was taken an unpopulated government housing development near Chinley, AZ. I was a sight to behold with a plethora of new houses and no one living in them! The place had been taken over with weeds, debris, etc. It was super creepy, like it was a testing sight for a nuclear bomb or something. So I tried to capture that feeling here.....
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